Episode 29: I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream

Our hosts kick off the summer with June’s theme: Ice Cream! What better way to start the season than with this creamy and delicious dessert? Stefin gives a quick update on her upcoming move to London and her interesting observation that London ovens appear to be about 3/4 of the size of US ovens. She shares a delicious dessert, Berry Bircher, which turns out to be an overnight muesli. Andrea mentions her favorite crock pot easy dish, Taco Soup, and the hosts discuss the merits of naming a recipe with a tasty title.

On to the official June topic: ice cream! Stefin has fond memories of growing up with homemade, hand cranked, peach and pistachio ice cream. Andrea shared her first experience tasting homemade ice cream at her aunt’s in Oregon and the memory of that fresh peach ice cream inspired her to start making her own at home. Both the hosts use the electric Cuisinart 2 qt model with great success. The first ice cream will be from Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream at Home and it’s Roasted Strawberry Buttermilk Ice Cream. Unlike a traditional custard ice cream that uses egg yolks, be prepared to use cornstarch, corn syrup, and cream cheese in Jeni’s recipe to duplicate the creamy store-bought ice cream experience. Also, go with the whole fat versions of the dairy ingredients: whole milk and full-fat cream cheese are your friends!

Up next, some quick homemade hacks for ice cream at home when you’re in a hurry. Stefin enjoys the frozen banana in a blender trick, as does Andrea (with the addition of chocolate chips!) Stefin also likes mashing a roasted banana into high quality vanilla ice cream, and has her eye on a Nigella Lawson recipe for No Churn Bitter Orange Ice Cream which involves oranges and heavy whipping cream. Andrea loves re-creating her childhood favorite, ice cream sandwiches, with brownies while Stefin makes a similar dessert with boxed cake mix.

Listeners, how do you enjoy ice cream at home?

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