Hot on the heels of their 2020 trend report in Episode 159, Stefin and Andrea are happy to see Australian vanilla company Queen’s baking trend report, and even happier that Preheated is right on trend, or planning to be, in the coming months.
Review: Small-Batch Shortbread Pumpkin Pie Bars from Baking Mischief
The Small-Batch Shortbread Pumpkin Pie Bars from Baking Mischief provided a petite portion of pumpkin pie with a shortbread crust, but were they the right flavor for January? Andrea and Stefin both struggled with the crust — Andrea’s developed a large hole which allowed the filling to seep under the shortbread (Stefin encountered a similar problem when her filling seeped around the sides). This may have contributed to a less-than-perfect texture in the finished product. Ultimately, though, and through no fault of Baking Mischief’s, neither hosts, nor their families, were in the mood for pumpkin, post-holiday. Consider revisiting this bake next fall, when the desire for this flavor is at its zenith.
This Week’s Bake Along: Nigella’s Emergency Brownies
This week’s bake along will suit anyone in need of quick and delicious comfort … Nigella’s Emergency Brownies serve two (or one if you’re in truly dire straits). Note that the amount of nuts and chocolate chips will add structure to a batter than has scant amounts of flour and cocoa powder. Bake along, if you’re in crisis or not!
Globetrotting Gourmet: Portugal

Finally, Stefin reports on her pastéis de natas class in Lisbon, and admits to eating an entire wreath of bolo-rei in Porto, when the Globetrotting Gourmet heads to Portugal.
Previously on Preheated …
Three Years Ago: Episode 12: Old-Fashioned Baking
Two Years Ago: Episode 61: London Fog Shortbread & Communal Ovens in Morocco
One Year Ago: Episode 108: Little Green Goddesses
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