Listeners, please send us your suggestions for our #20for20 baking resolutions! Share your ideas via email at, post in our Facebook group, Preheated Baking Podcast Listeners, or leave us a voicemail message at (802) 276-0788. Silly, serious, or somewhere in-between, we’re open to all of your suggestions!
Stefin’s celebrating both Hanukkah and Christmas this week, and looking forward to a week of delicious holiday food — including her husband’s potato pancakes. (The “world’s best latke maker” relies on this recipe by Martha Stewart!)
Recipe Review: Red and Black Licorices
This week the hosts split kitchen duties, with Andrea tackling Red Licorice from Gluten Free on a Shoestring while Stefin gamely attempted the Black Licorice from Dessert for 2 via Food52 – twice! Andrea had great success in making (and eating) her red licorice, although when it came time to package it she ran into a snag. While parchment or wax paper may seem a cute way to present a gift of licorice, don’t be fooled…the licorice will stick to the paper (there’s a reason licorice is packaged in plastic!).

Stefin’s black licorice proved a bit more daunting, with the first batch turning hard and brittle rather than soft and chewy. Licorice lozenge, anyone? She needed a rolling pin to break it up! Possibly caused by too much stirring, she had better luck with her second batch reaching 240 degrees and achieving the texture needed to cut and shape the ropes. However, after sitting out a bit, the individual licorice pieces re-formed into one blob-like shape, leaving a bit to be desired. Overall, Stefin gives this recipe two thumbs up for taste, but she still needs a bit of work to master the chemistry required to set the licorice into nice ropes.
Bake Along: Brigadeiros from Saveur
A little over two years ago in Episode 56 Stefin introduced Listeners to her latest discovery, the Brazilian Fudge Truffle, or Brigadeiros. Fortunately you don’t have to travel to Brazil to re-create this goodie in your home kitchen. Andrea shared some history on the origin of the dessert, and suggested Listeners use the highest quality ingredients when creating this delicious morsel. Bake along and share your photos on Instagram with the tag #preheatedpodcast.
Kitchen Myths De-Bunked
Can taking a break while whipping cream ruin it? Is sifting always necessary? Must all lumps be eliminated from your batter? Take a listen as Stefin and Andrea de-bunk some common kitchen myths and tell you which myths you can safely ignore, and which ones are based in fact.
Previously on Preheated …
Three Years Ago: Episode 8, Snack Mix Successes
Two Years Ago: Episode 57, Gingerbread Cookie Bars are a New Holiday Baking Favorite!
One Year Ago: Episode 105, Chilled Soufflé Falls Short
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