Time has snuck up on the hosts and it’s already the second week of July…which means it’s time to celebrate National Ice Cream month in both the US and the UK. In Episode 30 the hosts introduced Jeni’s Splendid Roasted Strawberry Buttermilk Ice Cream and exactly 100 episodes later they debuted Jeni’s Sweet Corn and Black Raspberry Ice Cream in Episode 130. You can’t go wrong with either of these recipes, so grab a scoop and start chilling!
Recipe Review: Cookie Butter Blondies from Butternut Bakery Blog
Hip to be square month kicks off with a bang with bar cookies baked into an 8×8 square pan. Andrea feared making these blondies, as she knows she is unable to resist a pan of brownies in her house. The first challenge started when Andrea couldn’t find cookie butter in her local store. Fortunately, she was able to locate some and found the combination of delicious cookie butter, dark brown sugar, and melted butter resulted in a chewy butterscotch and caramel flavored delight. Stefin made the recipe twice, since it’s so fast and so easy. She shared a tip to pour the melted butter right over the cookie butter to help it melt and cream easily. Stefin used the plain flour + strong flour combo, while Andrea stuck with only all purpose flour. Don’t worry if they look a little underbaked when you pull them from the oven, as they will firm up as they sit for an hour prior to cutting. Two thumbs up and big thanks to Jenna over at the The Butternut Bakery Blog for sharing the Cookie Butter Blondies recipe.
Bake Along: No Bake Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwiches from McCormick
Rising temperatures getting you down? The Preheated gals are here to help with some No Bake Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwiches from McCormick (the spice company). This egg-free version is perfect for folks who don’t want to eat uncooked eggs in raw cookie dough. Stefin plans on substituting a rich tea biscuit for the hard-to-find ‘Nilla Wafers for her recipe. While Stefin has previously made homemade ice cream sandwiches, Andrea is a newbie (although she’s certainly eaten her share of ice cream sandwiches in her lifetime). Bake along and post your pics in the Preheated Baking Podcast Listener’s Group in Facebook.
Bumper Crop Bonanza

Andrea’s loaded down with over three dozen enormous lemons from a recent trip to Arizona. What’s a girl to do? Prep work came first and lemons were cleaned, zested, and juiced. Andrea poured the juice into large silicone ice cube trays so she always has fresh lemon juice on hand. The remaining lemons were used in Martha Stewart’s Lemon Sugar recipe and Giadi de Laurentiis’ Limoncello.
Listeners, what do you do with a bumper crop of fresh fruit?
Previously on Preheated
Two Years Ago: Episode 34 Quick Bite Popsicles
One Year Ago: Episode 83 Icebox Cake Ups Your No Bake Dessert Game
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