Episode 61.5 January Bonus: Chocolate Bundts and Blue Ribbons

Stefin is seeing 2018 food trend “functional food” from Episode 60 everywhere she turns, including her favorite grocery store’s weekly and monthly publications. The Waitrose Weekly recently featured former Great British Bake Off contestant Martha Collison’s Mango & Passion Fruit Energy Bars, while the January issue of Waitrose Food magazine featured L.A. chef Matthew Kenney’s […]

Episode 60: Peanut Butter Pie & 2018 Food Trends

After a chat with a loyal listener, Stefin wonders if she and Andrea could each come up with a list of their 10 favorite Preheated episodes. Stay tuned to see if your hosts are up to this challenge. Listeners: Let us know some of your favorite episodes! Maybe it was the featured recipes that delighted […]

Episode 56: Candy for Everyone!

Stefin’s back from International Night at her daughter’s middle school, and reports the stand-out treat, on a night filled with delicious Israeli jelly donuts, Dutch pancakes, British gin and tonics, New Zealand Marmite and yes, American Coors Light, was the beloved national candy of Brazil: brigadeiros! It’s a chocolate truffle-like, bite-size candy that’s worth seeking […]

Episode 54: The Christmas Cookie Scene

Stefin is trying to stay warm during the U.K.’s “arctic blast.” Helping her is Nigella Lawson’s Christmas special on BBC2. If you haven’t read or cooked from a Nigella book, treat yourself this holiday season. Stefin recommends Nigella Christmas for a fun and merry read, and lots of yummy recipes. Stefin’s also wondering how many […]

Episode 53: International Desserts with Cate Brubaker

Andrea is hot off another successful cookbook club meeting, and has several desserts to report on from the new Smitten Kitchen cookbook, Every Day, including a stunning and scrumptious Danish Rice Pudding that she might never have tried on her own, but, thanks to her club, is now one of her favorites. Much less glamorously, […]

Episode 50: Older and Wiser (with Cupcakes!)

Stefin and Andrea kick off Preheated’s celebratory first-anniversary month with a look back at some memorable episodes. Remember Cranberry Upside Down Cake (Episode 3), homemade eggnog (Episode 5) and Biscoff Pie (Episode 14)? How about our reminder from Episode 1 — to take advantage of fall sales on baking spices, flour and butter? It was […]