Andrea’s been in touch with the owner of bakery Breads on Oak in New Orleans who is making plant-based banana cream pie using her very own home-grown bananas! She also used agar agar and coconut milk to make the pie vegan. Check out Breads on Oak the next time you’re in New Orleans to try some of her tasty treats, and take a look at this gorgeous pie.

Recipe Review: Cheddar and Hazelnut Shortbread from BBC Good Food
Andrea’s excited that this recipe from BBC Good Food reaffirmed her belief in the joy of savory sweets! Stefin had a bit of a challenge getting her dough the consistency of bread crumbs … it was more like pie dough. Andrea’s dough set up and rolled out just fine, although she found that her first batch of “drop” shortbread (made by following the recipe instructions) wasn’t as pretty as her second batch, which she rolled and cut into rectangles. Definitely use parchment or Silpat under the shortbread, as all the butter will ooze out as they are baking. Stefin felt like hers turned out more like cheese wisps, since so much butter and cheese melted and spread.
Both the hosts felt like this is more of a cracker than a shortbread; Andrea thought adding the hot honey from Bee Local on top was a nice addition. Stefin’s family fell for a bit of an optical illusion on the cooling rack, thinking these were coconut cookies! (They were a little disappointed to find they were savories.) Andrea’s family liked them, although more so when they were warm from the oven.
Bake Along: Savory Pumpkin Bread Pudding from PBS Food
It wouldn’t be October without a pumpkin recipe, and this recipe uses one of Andrea’s favorite varieties: the Kabocha. Andrea’s considering this dish for her Thanksgiving table and counting on any Preheaters who have time to do the bake along to share their tips and results before the big holiday rolls around. Both hosts are big fans of strata and bread pudding, and love the idea of a make-ahead side dish.
Gadget Garage: The ThermoMix
While Andrea’s never even heard of this fancy “all-in-one: gadget, Stefin enjoyed diving deep into the world of the Thermomix. Although it’s been around for almost 40 years, this German appliance didn’t reach US shores until 2016. But many of Stefin’s friends in London have one or have been been asking her opinion about buying one, so we thought it was time to brush up on what Wired magazine calls “the smartest tool in the home chef’s arsenal.”
This innovative appliance that looks a little bit like a blender sitting inside a bread machine, can (are you ready?): weigh, mix, blend, stir, chop, heat, mill, and boil. It can also steam. It has a sous-vide function. It can crush ice and grind coffee beans. It can grate cheese. And, importantly for bakers, it can knead. And it does it all with a companion app that provides guidelines, recipes and instructions. No wonder it’s sometimes called the cooking robot! At the end of the day, the hosts conclude this may be an appliance for cooks who favor efficiency over pleasure in the kitchen.
Listeners, do you have a Thermomix? Is it worth the hefty price tag?
Previously on Preheated …
Two Years Ago: Episode 49.5: Reunited in London!
One Year Ago: Episode 97.5: October Bonus and Blue Ribbons
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