Farewell for Now…

After four seasons and 200+ episodes, we’ve decided to step back and see where life takes us next. So, after this week’s episode (#200), we’re taking off our aprons. New episodes will no longer appear in your podcast feed until and unless we decide to turn the oven back on. We know that the Preheated […]

Episode 200: Greatest Hits Volume 4

For four seasons, the Preheated hosts have championed homemade ice cream, so it’s only fitting that they award an honorable mention to Nigella’s No-Churn Salted Caramel Bourbon Ice Cream which Stefin has made “at least 85 times.” Andrea urges coffee lovers to check out Nigella’s similar One-Step No-Churn Coffee Ice Cream, or any of Nigella’s […]

Episode 197: Greatest Hits Volume 1

This October, Andrea and Stefin are taking a walk down memory lane and revisiting some of their greatest hits in the lead up to Preheated’s monumental 200th episode on October 26. They start the show remembering some of the “amazing alliteration” that’s appeared over the last four years. From the show name itself (Preheated Podcast), […]